The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization with a mission to work with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change. ADRA is seeking to recruit a consultant to conduct a STUDY ON PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL SECONDARY EDUCATION IN SOMALIA: PRACTICES, LESSONS LEARNT AND OPPORTUNITIES.
The overall objective of the action is: Improve the educational attainment and employability of relevant target groups in Somalia; whilethespecific objectiveis Participation in and governance, quality, relevance and inclusiveness of education and training in Somalia are improved.
The activities and strategies proposed will require a strong commitment from federal and state governments, and beneficiary communities, whose support the action will build on to establish strong partnerships with private donors, diaspora, private sector and with educational stakeholders at the different levels of administration to create an enabling education and training movement anchored on local ownership.
The action will also proactively seek coordination with other humanitarian actors and donors to ensure the successful implementation and maximum impact of planned activities and this will be achieved through three necessary and sufficient Results:
- Result 1: Increased access to equitable quality primary and secondary education.
- Result 2: Increased participation of youth and adults in TVET linked to employment and economic opportunities; and
- Result 3: Enhanced capacity of public institutions to lead, monitor and manage the education and training system.
ADRA as the lead agency in this SETS II consortium, and in consultation with the Federal Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education, is desirous in hiring the services of an individual or qualified consultancy firm to conduct a comprehensive study on the professional secondary schools’ concept which has been piloted by the European Union.
The consultant will review the approach, what has worked well, what has not worked and propose actions to be considered for any future support to this sub-sector in Somalia. Findings of the study will contribute towards the development of a professional/technical education draft policy framework.
Objectives of the Study:
- Evaluate the current landscape of professional technical secondary education in Somalia, including the availability of programs, curriculum offerings, and enrolment rates in the four (4) EU supported schools.
- Assess the quality and effectiveness of professional technical secondary education in Somalia, examining teaching methods, facilities, and student outcomes in the four supported schools.
- Identify best practices and lessons learned from successful professional technical secondary education initiatives in Somalia and other comparable contexts.
- Explore opportunities for enhancing professional technical secondary education in Somalia, including potential partnerships, innovations, and policy recommendations.
- Provide suggestions for sustainability of professional high schools; and,
- Explore options for greening professional high schools (e.g. green skills).
Scope of Work:
- Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature, reports, and data related to professional technical secondary education in Somalia.
- Collect primary data through interviews, surveys, and site visits to the four EU supported professional technical secondary schools and relevant stakeholders in Somalia.
- Study and present impact of the initial pilot institutions offered skills and the appropriateness of the selected geographic locations and beneficiary population categories.
- Present comparative and evidenced existence of similar professional schools within the private sector which are within or outside of the full control of the ministry vis-a-vis curriculum used, private sector absorption of graduates and standards or lack of at, engaged facilities. Are there any other schools that are like the pilot schools, and if so, are these in line with ministry priorities-per former and current ESSP priorities?
- Analyse qualitative and quantitative data to identify key trends, challenges, and opportunities within professional technical secondary education, and whether there remains a scope for expansion of the approach.
- Develop case studies highlighting successes noted by the piloting of these four (4) professional technical secondary educations programs in Somalia.
- Once the case studies are compiled, the consultant will draft corrective guidelines and an overall policy framework for the sub-sector and recommend more standard systems that are suitable for this education system in Somalia.
- Prepare a final report summarizing findings, recommendations, and actionable insights for stakeholders in Somalia’s education sector.
- Desk Review: Review existing literature, reports, and data on professional technical secondary education in Somalia including the four piloted schools.
- Data Collection: Conduct interviews, surveys, and site visits to gather primary data from relevant stakeholders.
- Data Analysis: Analyse qualitative and quantitative data using appropriate methods and tools.
- Case Studies: Develop case studies based on successes noted by the piloting of these four (4) professional technical secondary educations programs in Somalia**.**
- Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with key stakeholders, including government agencies, educational institutions, NGOs, and industry partners to collect their views on the technical secondary school’s concept.
- Inception Report: Provide a detailed plan outlining the study approach, methodology, and timeline.
- Interim Report: Present preliminary findings and analysis for review and feedback.
- Final Report: Deliver a comprehensive final report with detailed findings, recommendations, and case studies.
- Presentation: Conduct a presentation to stakeholders (EU, ESC, MoECHE and State MoEs) to share key findings and recommendations from the study.
The study will be conducted during the months of April & May 2024, for a total of 40 days. This includes preparatory activities, data collection, analysis, and report writing.
The budget for the study will cover expenses related to personnel, travel, data collection, analysis, and report production. A detailed budget breakdown should be provided as part of the technical application.
Dissemination and Use of Findings:
The findings, recommendations, and case studies generated from the study will be disseminated to relevant stakeholders in Somalia’s education sector. Efforts will be made to ensure that the findings are used to inform policy, practice, and decision-making in professional technical secondary education.
Application Requirements:
All expressions of interest should include:
- Cover letter, maximum three pages.
- Detailed curriculum vitae.
- Technical Proposal: maximum 5 pages interpreting the understanding of the TOR, detailed methodology of executing the task, as well as draft work plan.
- Financial Proposal: should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees but to exclude accommodation and living costs; transport cost; stationeries, and supplies needed for the training as well as costs to be incurred by trainees.
How to apply
For full Terms of Reference (TOR) please visit ADRA website Interested persons should send a technical and financial proposal to applications for this consultancy should be emailed to the Human Resource Manager using the email [email protected] on or before COB 15th April 2024, with in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
‘’ADRA Somalia is committed to upholding the rights of all children and vulnerable adults that we serve and those we interact with in the course of our work. We endevour to protect all from all forms of abuse and exploitation as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) six core principles on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). ADRA Somalia has zero tolerance to abuse and exploitation of beneficiaries and staff.’’